Premier health coaching for midlife warriors

Maintain a healthy weight, control stress, optimize nutrition, and revitalize your energy through our premier 1-on-1 online health coaching.

A midlife woman sitting on couch having coaching session on computer
A person holding a compass

The march of time

As the years pile up like unread emails in your inbox, it can feel like maintaining your health is a losing battle:

  • Your metabolism slows down, making those extra pounds seem as clingy as your old ex on social media.
  • Your muscles? Well, they're pulling a disappearing act, vanishing by 3% to 8% each decade after the big 3-0.
  • Energy? It's become as elusive as that sock you lost in the laundry.
  • And let's not forget those New Year's resolutions—they tend to vanish faster than a snowflake in July.

But fear not, Uncover Your Fit is here to act as your compass and guide you to a healthier life. We're all about building lasting habits through habit-based health coaching. Think of it as constructing a strong fortress of health, one brick at a time. Join us on this journey to a healthier, happier you!

Benefits of health coaching

A food pyramid illustration

Balanced Nutrition

Ever felt like a tightrope walker trying to balance your diet? Health coaching can guide you to find the perfect equilibrium. It's like becoming a culinary acrobat, perfectly juggling carbs, proteins, and fats.

A heart illustration

Improved Health Markers

Picture your health markers as scorecards in a game. Health coaching can help improve those scores—lower blood pressure, better cholesterol, healthier weight. It's like seeing your bowling score jump from gutter balls to strikes.

An illustration of a person sitting in a chair destressing

Stress Reduction

Ah, the Zen zone! Health coaching equips you with strategies to master stress. It's like having a personal meditation guru on speed dial, helping you find tranquility in life's chaos.

Damon Leach, founder & head coach

As adults, we often fixate on one facet of our lives, typically our careers, thinking that veering from it diminishes our worth. I've been there and done that, holding onto my career for dear life while my health suffered.

But a health scare awakened me, and suddenly I realized that I could excel in both my career and personal life, with one complementing the other. As a result, I turned my life around, lost 55 lbs, and became a health and fitness coach, eager to share my wisdom.

Now, as a coach, I'm on a mission to help you achieve optimal health and well-being without flipping your life upside down. It's like discovering the cheat code to a video game—suddenly, everything becomes clearer and more attainable. Join me on this journey.

Picture of Damon Leach
ACE certified logo ACE certified logo ACE certified logo

Is personal coaching right for you?

Uncover Your Fit's personal coaching is for you if:

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You want to get healthier, stronger, and more fit—and stay that way for the rest of your life.

Our coaching is for people who want to lose weight and body fat, build physical strength and confidence, get results that last, and get off the diet roller coaster once and for all. We won’t give you a crazy diet or exercise program to follow; instead, we’ll help you build habits that will get you results that last forever.

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You’re tired of “quick fix” programs and are willing to dedicate at least 3 months to getting in shape the sustainable way.

If you’ve tried something before and “failed”—or just can’t stick with it—know that you’re not alone. And it’s not your fault. After all, self-directed training and nutrition programs fail 98% of the time. Not to mention, after many years in the fitness industry, we’ve seen dozens of diet and exercise fads come and go. That’s why we don’t follow fads. Instead, we’ll teach you doable daily actions that are designed to fit into a busy lifestyle. Bottom line: we’ll help you make fitness and nutrition a part of your life, without it taking over.

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You want an expert to hold you accountable and keep you consistent.

Nothing worth doing can be done alone. That’s why we work closely with our clients to help them eat well and exercise, no matter what other craziness is going on in their lives. You’re busy and have enough to worry about; let us take care of the fitness and nutrition details so you don’t have to.

See what our customers are saying about our health coaching.

"What truly set this coaching apart was the personalized approach. It wasn't one-size-fits-all but rather a tailored map for my unique voyage. My coach took the time to understand my needs and preferences, ensuring the journey was as smooth as possible."

Lauren Martinez/Sedona, AZ

five stars

"This coaching experience wasn't just about the destination; it was about enjoying the journey. My coach made learning fun and engaging, often using analogies that made complex health concepts feel really simple. He had a knack for breaking down the science into bite-sized pieces, making it both understandable and actionable."

Susan Koller/Stowe, VT

five stars

"When I encountered moments of doubt, my coach was there to provide encouragement and expert advice. In the end, my journey towards better health was smoother, more enjoyable, and undoubtedly more successful, thanks to this coaching experience. I can't recommend it enough."

Jason Anderson/Jackson, WY

five stars

How personal coaching works

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Easy-to-use online platform

You’ll start by telling us all about yourself, including your goals, health challenges, and daily routine. From there, we’ll customize your entire coaching plan and start your 1-on-1 coaching.

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Simple nutrition and fitness habits and daily check-ins

Every day, you’ll have a nutrition and fitness habit to practice. You'll get a new habit every two weeks, with every coaching session designed to help you get results.

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Small yet powerful habits to improve everyday life

Along with your nutrition and fitness habits, we’ll work together to create and practice healthy habits across every aspect of your life: from sleep and stress-management to movement and mindfulness. These new habits will help you feel more calm, confident, and prepared for each day—no matter what life throws at you.

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Personal coaching and detailed progress checking

We’ll check in with you frequently to see how you’re doing and to answer any questions you have. Also, you can message us whenever you need. The online platform also tracks everything from your measurements to your habits, so you can see just how much progress you’ve made.

Features you'll love

  • One-on-One Coaching
  • It's just you and your coach in the ring, no distractions, no sharing the spotlight. One-on-one coaching means you get your coach's undivided attention. It's like having a personal trainer for your life, a Sherpa guiding you up your own health Everest.

  • Tailored Nutrition and Wellness Plan
  • Think of it as a custom-made suit for your health. Your unique needs, preferences, and goals are the fabric, and we're the tailor. We'll stitch together a plan that fits you like a glove, not something off the rack. It's about eating and living in a way that suits your body and your life like nothing else.

  • Personal Accountability
  • We all need a gentle push from time to time, don't we? That's where accountability comes in. Imagine us as your friendly GPS, keeping you on the right path. We'll hold you to your commitments, cheer you on when you're crushing it, and nudge you when you stray.

  • SMART Goals
  • SMART goals are the North Star of our journey. They're Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. No more vague promises or endless "somedays." We set clear, actionable goals that get you where you want to go.

  • Habit-Based Approach
  • Small changes, big impact. It's like compound interest for your health. We'll focus on building sustainable habits that stick. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a healthier you.

  • Fitness Topics
  • Your body is a temple, and we're the renovation team. We'll tackle nutrition, exercise, sleep, and all things physical. It's about feeling good, moving well, and staying strong for the long haul.

  • Mental Health Topics
  • Your mind is the engine that drives it all. We'll dive into stress management, sleep optimization, and other mental strategies. After all, it's hard to run a marathon if your head's not in the game.

  • 90-Minute Intro Call
  • Think of it as a first date, but with more questions. We'll get to know each other, dive into your goals, and start charting the course. It's a deep dive into your health history, preferences, and dreams.

  • 60-Minute Biweekly Check-Ins
  • These are like pit stops during a race. We'll track your progress, address any hurdles, and make adjustments. It's our chance to fine-tune the engine and keep you on course.

  • Unlimited Email Questions
  • Ever have a burning question between coaching session, or maybe 100? Shoot us an email, and we'll provide you all the support you need. It's like having your personal Google for health.

Value of coaching

Five ways health coaching can boost your financial well-being:

Just changing your overall eating habits could save you $2,000 a year on food. At the same time, if you add up all the savings below, you could potentially end up saving $3,000-$5,000+ per year by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Still think there isn't value in health coaching?

  • Fewer doctor visits
  • The average doctor visit costs approximately $25 for insured Americans, and the average unhealthy American goes to the doctor around 12 times a year for a total cost of $300. On the other hand, healthy Americans average around 4 trips to the doctor each year for a total cost of $100 or $200 less than their unhealthy counterparts.

  • Lower medication costs
  • Many healthy people don't take any medication at all. However, most unhealthy people do. Depending on the medications, unhealthy people can end up spending up to $1,000 a year or more on their prescription medication expenses.

  • Healthier eating
  • According to Rutgers University, eating smaller meals and less junk food in combination with eating more meals at home saves the average person around $40/week or $2,080/year.

  • Reduced insurance costs
  • For obvious reasons, healthy people pay less for health and life insurance than their unhealthy counterparts. On average healthy people pay in between $50-$100 less per month in insurance premium, leading to an annual savings of between $600-$1,200.

  • Long-term savings
  • The Centers for Disease Control estimates that a 10% weight loss could reduce an overweight person's lifetime medical costs by $2,200 to $5,300. In addition, delaying or preventing the onset of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease can save thousands of dollars annually.

Frequently asked questions

  • Why should I invest in a health coach?
  • First things first. You might wonder why you should splurge on a health coach when you could just binge-watch YouTube workout videos in your PJs. Well, think of a health coach as your health Sherpa. We're not just there to show you the ropes; we're your guides, your mentors, helping you navigate treacherous terrains, like a seasoned mountaineer leading you up Everest. We provide expertise, motivation, and, importantly, accountability. With a coach by your side, you're not going to slack off because, my friend, we're going to know!

  • How do I manage time and schedules?
  • Time is the currency of life, and we're all running low on it. But your coach is your personal time wizard, helping you find those hidden pockets of time in your day. It's like arranging a jigsaw puzzle; you'll be amazed at how those pieces fit together with a bit of strategy.

  • What's the right diet for me?
  • The world of diets is like a crowded buffet, and you're not sure which dish won't give you a food coma. Low-carb, keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, oh my! The truth is, the perfect diet doesn't exist—it's like chasing unicorns. What matters most is understanding your body, your metabolism, and what works for you. Think of it as crafting a gourmet meal from your favorite ingredients.

  • How long until I see results?
  • Patience is your secret weapon. Think of it like planting a tree in your garden. You water it, nurture it, but it takes time to grow tall and strong. Your coach will set realistic expectations and remind you that results are like those leaves on your tree—they will come, and they will be worth the wait.

  • How do I stay motivated?
  • Motivation is like your morning coffee; it can be hard to find sometimes. The secret is to build discipline instead. Create a routine, set goals, and surround yourself with supportive friends or a fitness community. Motivation might not be a constant stream, but discipline is a mighty river.

  • Is mental health part of your coaching?
  • Mental and physical health are like two peas in a pod. Your coach understands this connection and can guide you toward a balanced mindset. Think of it as tending to the garden of your mind while you sculpt your body. We'll help you stay motivated, reduce stress, and boost your mental resilience.

  • Why don't you have programs shorter than 90 days?
  • We're all about the long-term journey, not quick fixes. Our programs focus on building sustainable habits and lasting change because real transformation takes time. Think of it like planting a tree; you could rush it, but strong roots ensure a sturdy future. We're here for the ups and downs of your health journey. So, why not less than 90 days? Because we're in it for the long haul, just like your health should be.

How much will it cost?

Investing in a health coach is like buying a GPS for your health and wellness journey. We'll act as your personalized roadmap, providing expert insights and accountability. We'll also be the compass that helps you navigate the twists and turns of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices, ensuring you reach your health goals more efficiently. So, consider health coaching an investment in your most valuable asset—your health—and the ultimate shortcut to success.

To give everyone the personal care and attention they deserve, we only open to new clients twice per year. And we can only accommodate a small percentage of those who show interest in the program.

On Tuesday, April 1, 2025, our first open period of 2025 will start. Join our waitlist now to be prioritized for access to our coaching services at the current pricing shown below.

90-Day Package

$1,000 USD

6-Month Package

$1,800 USD

Join Coaching Waitlist